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Reportage sur le noyau nanocristallin

Reportage sur le noyau nanocristallin

Recently, Christopher J. Tassone of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States and Matteo Cargnello of Stanford University (joint communication) published an article "High-temperature crystallization of nanocrystals into three-dimensional superlattices" in Nature. Researchers reported colloidal synthesis under high temperature conditions. During the period, the micron-sized face-centered cubic three-dimensional nanocrystal superlattice grew rapidly. At the same time, due to the lattice expansion caused by the superlattice template and the precise nanocrystal size control, the researchers used in-situ small-angle X-ray scattering to observe the crystal. The continuous growth process of a single nanocrystal in a lattice. The thermodynamic model shows that the equilibrium interaction force (including attraction and repulsion) caused by the ligand covered on the surface of the nanocrystal and the size of the nanocrystal nucleus is the cause of the final crystallization. In addition, it can Different superlattice structures are formed by controlling the interaction between particles, such as hexagonal close-packed lattices. In addition, the rational assembly of various nanocrystalline systems into new materials will not only help basic research, but also help them to further improve the magnetic field. Practical applications in the fields of science, electronics and catalysis.
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