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Noyau d’anneau et noyau ovale

Noyau du transformateur de courant


+ Solid Current Transformer Cores
+ Split Current Transformer Cores
+ Residual Current Circuit Breaker(RCCB) Cores
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Noyau d’étranglement en mode commun


+ EMI common mode filtering
+ Telecom and data communications interface transformations
+ High accuracy current transformers / pulse transformers
+ Ground fault protection devices
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Noyau coupé nanocristallin


+ High permeability
+ Low core loss-Low temperature rise
+ Good Temperature stability
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Noyau coupé amorphe


High saturate induction-Reducing core volume
With air gap-Excellent anti-bias current ability
Low core loss-Low temperature rise
Good stability-Can work-130℃ 
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Distribuer le noyau d’étranglement


+ High saturation magnetic induction (1.56T),
+ low loss at high frequency, wide frequency range.
+ Used for smooth filter inductor, choke and energy storage inductor of high frequency switched mode power supply.
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Noyau rectangulaire de type A


+ Solid Current Transformer Cores
+ Split Current Transformer Cores
+ Residual Current Circuit Breaker(RCCB) Cores
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Noyau rectangulaire de type B


+ Solid Current Transformer Cores
+ Split Current Transformer Cores
+ Residual Current Circuit Breaker(RCCB) Cores
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